Why using seals?

Seals are used for all kinds of applications in many different markets. The following characteristics make our customers use seals:

  • Visual control
  • Branding by adding personalized text or logo.
  • Additional traceability can be added by using a bar code or QR code.
  • Color coding possible by using bright signal colors.
  • Discourages and provides an additional barrier to fraud.
  • Seals are often used to comply with certain security regulations.
  • Saves time because additional checking is unnecessary if the seal is undamaged


Choosing the appropriate seal is not easy, it depends on a number of factors that are important for internal efficiency within your logistics process.

Each application has specific requirements and expectations that a seal must comply with. The application ultimately determines which type of seal is most suitable. Peever International has gained tremendous knowledge and experience over the years to recommend the right seal for every situation, moreover, the use of seals can save the company a lot of time and money. Ask for a free consultation and we will be happy to provide some samples so you can discover the benefits of sealing.

What types of seals exist?

You can differentiate 3 types of seals:

  1. High security seals
  2. Barrier seals
  3. Indicative seals


To make a good choice between these 3 types, it is important to map out your company's logistics process. Which type of sealing you need depends on the value of the cargo and the rules in place at the country the product is being transported to. A seal can include security tape, labels, seals that you can remove by hand or only with heavy tools. A seal is not an "encryption" of the cargo, but rather a visual security check. If one notices that the seal has been broken, the cargo may have been tampered with and there is a possibility of refusing the cargo. So a seal is not only a good solution during transportation, but also when the cargo is ready to be transported.

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When is a seal a High Security seal?

To meet this certification, the manufacturer must pass a series of tests. In this, 3 important conditions/clauses must be fulfilled.

CLAUSULE 4: The seal must meet a number of general characteristics

CLAUSULE 5: The seal is subjected to a tensile test, scissor test and bending test and the manufacturer must be able to provide documented test results of these.

CLAUSULE 6: Is a valuable addition to the sealing standard and emphasizes the importance of continuous improvement of tamper resistance and characteristics to indicate evidence of tampering

How do you recognize a High Security seal?

As described above, a high security seal must meet a number of general (external) characteristics:

  1. The pin of a container seal must have a minimum diameter of 18mm
  2. It requires easy verification of correct use
  3. The seal must have a unique marking and serial number
  4. The manufacturer's logo must be visible
  5. The "H" of "High Security" must appear.

When should you use an ISO 17712:2013 seal?

Without ISO 17712:2013 certification, it is impossible to ship outside the EU and the seals may not be suitable for your cargo.

Which seals have an ISO 17712-2013 High Security seal certificate?

Following stamps from our range have a High Security Seal certificate:

Flexigrip 325 MFlexigrip 500MLocktainer 3000SHLocktainer 2000SHLocktainer 2000SHC  – Locktainer 2000SHL