Our privacy policy explains what personal data we collect, why we collect it, how we use it, the control you have over your personal data and the procedures we have in place to protect your personal data. The policy applies to personal data we collect through our Peever website and in person during events.

By sharing your personal data with us, you confirm that you have read and understood the terms of this privacy policy. We take responsibility for the personal data we collect about you and we aim to be transparent about how we handle it. Moreover, we put you in control of your own data.

If you have any questions, comments or wish to raise concerns about any aspect of this privacy policy or how Peever International handles your data, please email us at

Privacy principles

Privacy policies can be complicated. We have tried to make our policy as clear and accessible as possible. Therefore, we have summarised in our privacy principles below how we handle your personal data at Peever International. These principles demonstrate our commitment to protecting your privacy and treating your personal data properly in the way you would expect.

At Peever International:

  1. Collect only personal data we need to provide and improve the services, products and experiences our customers expect.
  2. Give you control over the personal data we hold about you to ensure it is accurate and in line with your preferences.
  3. Do we ensure that your personal data is always secure and protected.
  4. Are honest and transparent about how we use your personal data.
  5. Always use your personal data only for the purpose for which you have entrusted it to us.
  6. Never sell your personal data and only share it as described in our privacy policy or when you ask us to.
  7. Respect your choices and inform you if there are significant changes that affect your personal data or the way we use it.
  8. Take responsibility for the personal data we hold about you.

Personal data

Data you share with us

We collect personal data that you share with us when you contact or communicate with us through our website, email, telephone or at events or otherwise. For example, you provide us with data when you contact our customer service, place an order, complete a survey, contest or questionnaire, update your preferences and account information. During these interactions, you may share the following with us: your name, address, email address, contact phone number and payment details. In some circumstances, we may need that information to provide you with a product or service you have requested.

If you share data about other people with us (for example, if you have purchased a product for another person or need to be delivered to another company), you should check that that person agrees to you sharing his or her personal data with us and to us using that data in accordance with this privacy policy.

Data from your online interactions

We collect and store limited personal data and certain anonymous, aggregated statistical data from all visitors to our website, regardless of whether you have actively provided it to us or are just visiting our websites. The data we collect includes the IP (internet protocol) address of the device you are using, the browser software you are using, your operating system, the date and time of the visit, the internet address of the website that linked you to our website and information about how you use our websites. We use this information to see how well our website works, how they are used and what information users view most often. This information is mainly collected through our cookies and similar technologies.


We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small text files stored on your device by websites through your web browser. They were first used in the mid-1990s and are now one of the most widely used technologies on the internet.

Some cookies we use at Peever collect personal data about you. Personal data collected will be used in accordance with this privacy policy. By continuing to use our websites, you accept that cookies will be placed on your device.

Communication by e-mail

When you use our products or services, we will send you information such as quotes, order confirmations and invoices by e-mail. As long as you agree to us doing this, we also want to keep you informed about anything that happens at Peever International that we think might be of interest to you. Whether it's announcements of our latest products, offers or scheduled events, we want to make sure you are happy with the information you receive from us. The 'How can you change the way we contact you' section below tells you how you can update or change the way we contact you or request us to stop contacting you.

We collect information about how you interact with our email messages, including whether they are delivered to you, whether you open them, whether you choose to find out more about new developments at Peever (for example, by clicking on a link in our email) and whether you ask us to stop contacting you.

We use that information on its own and in combination with your customer data (the data you share with us) to ensure that we no longer send you support or marketing information when you have asked us to stop doing so. We also use this information to make our emails as interesting as possible by offering you content and experiences that we think you will find interesting based on how you responded to our previous emails. You have the right to object to the way we use your data for this purpose.

How we use your personal data

The main reason for collecting and using your personal data is to provide the services, products and experiences you expect from us.

Data you share with us

We use the personal data you share with us in the following ways:

  • To respond to your queries and requests;
  • To communicate with you;
  • To provide services and support for our products;
  • For customer satisfaction surveys so that we can determine what improvements can be made to our services and products;
  • To notify you of changes to Peever International's policies or terms and conditions or other matters about which we need to inform you;
  • As long as you consent to us doing so, to keep you informed about our other products and services;
  • To notify you of essential changes to our Peever products
  • In the event of disputes, claims or investigations relating to your Peever products
  • To detect and prevent fraudulent transactions;
  • To comply with our legal obligations; and
  • For profiling and statistical analysis.

Some personal data you share with us (for example, when you update your account details) is referred to as optional. We explain how we use that data and if you choose to share it with us, you consent to us using your data in that way. You can ask us to delete that data at any time by contacting Peever customer service or by emailing us at

Finally, in some, relatively limited circumstances, we need to process your personal data in some way to ensure that we comply with our legal obligations, for example if we need to disclose your personal data to regulatory or law enforcement agencies.

Ultimately, the reason we process your personal data as we do is to directly or indirectly improve our products, services and your overall experience with Peever as a company. Regardless of our justification for processing your personal data, we ensure that we do everything necessary to protect your privacy.

How can you change the way we contact you?

We will only send you marketing information if you have indicated that you consent.

You can change the way we contact you in the following ways:

  • Contacting Peever International and indicating that you want to change or update the way we contact you;
  • Sending an email via our website and asking to change your preferences.
  • Sending an email via

What personal data does Peever International share with third parties?

We put first that we never sell your personal data to others and only share it as set out in this privacy policy or when you ask us to.

We share your personal data with certain third-party service providers. They only have access to the personal data they need to provide this service. They must keep your personal data confidential and may not use it in any way other than as requested by us and only in accordance with this privacy policy.

These external service providers fall into the following categories:

  • Certain distributors who help us sell our products in certain countries;
  • Transport companies and carriers that help us deliver our products to you;
  • Third parties who help us with mailing services, product maintenance and repair, product purchase processing, financial services, accounting services, administrative services, IT technology (such as data storage), security services and insurance claims;
  • Third parties that help us provide you with services and send you responses;
  • Third parties that help us with our advertising and marketing
  • Third-party data providers and analytics companies, who perform data matching and/or data analysis on our behalf.
  • We share your personal data if required to do so by law, including in connection with legal proceedings, such as a court order or subpoena, or to comply with other national, regional or local laws.

How long do we keep your personal data?

We will keep your personal data for as long as necessary to enable us to use it for the purposes set out in this privacy policy and for as long as the law requires us to do so. The actual period we keep your personal data depends on the type of personal data and how it is used.

Where possible, we give you control over the personal data we collect about you to ensure that it is accurate and in line with your preferences. You have the right to access, update and amend the personal data we hold about you. You can do so for some of your personal data in your account.

In certain circumstances, you can also:

  • Object to our use of your personal data for certain purposes;
  • Ask us to restrict the use of your personal data;
  • Ask us to correct, delete or remove your personal data;
  • Ask us to transfer your personal data to an external service provider.

How do we protect your personal data?

We take the protection of your personal data seriously. We use appropriate technical and organisational measures, such as encryption, to protect your personal data and privacy, and we regularly review these measures. We protect your personal data through a combination of physical and digital security measures. For example, we use access controls to restrict and manage how your personal data is processed, managed and handled. We also ensure that our staff are adequately trained in the protection of personal data. Because of our procedures, we may occasionally ask you for proof of identity before sharing your personal data with you. In the unlikely event that there is a security breach that compromises the protection of personal data and we need to inform you about it, we will do so.

Changes to this privacy policy

If we change our privacy policy, we will publish details of the changes below. If we have your e-mail address, we may also send you an e-mail with information about these changes. If necessary, we will also ask you to confirm that you agree to these changes. This privacy policy was last reviewed and updated in July 2023

Translations of this privacy policy

This privacy policy is formatted in Dutch and is translated into English for ease of accessibility. If there are conflicts or inconsistencies between the translated versions of this privacy policy, the Dutch version shall prevail.

Contacting us

You can contact us at any time by e-mail at or in writing to Peever International nv, Plaslaar 38, B-2500 Lier. We will then contact you as soon as possible.
You can also contact the relevant data protection officer(s) in your country